The Birth of Paxton | Springfield IL Birth Photographer

So I am finally getting around to blogging some of my early November sessions and such.  It seemed like all my November momma’s decided to deliver their babies in the same exact week, which meant for a very busy couple weeks of newborn sessions and a fabulous day of birth coverage.   First I will talk a little about the birth day of Paxton.

For the weeks preceding his birth, Paxton’s momma and I were in contact regularly.  She was hoping to deliver Paxton via a VBAC so we were on alert in the weeks, then days leading up to his due date.  Unfortunately, as we got closer and closer to his due date it seemed as though a c-section was likely going to be in the cards for Paxton as little to no progress towards delivery was made.   As a c-section mom myself (with my first 3 1/2 years ago and planned for our #2 this coming March) I have to say though that while the idea of a major surgery can be scarey and not necessarily what a mother wants for her child’s day of birth, it does not mean that the day is any less special or less of a miracle.

When I arrived at the hospital early in the morning, it was dark and quiet out.   There was a sort of peacefulness which was the perfect start to such a calm and tranquil day.   Paxton’s parents were in their room relaxing and watching the early morning news while waiting for Paxton’s grandparents and big brother to arrive.   Certainly there was a bit of fear and stress present, as with any birth, but as family began to arrive and big brother Dawson played “Angry Birds” on the ipad, there was a sort of calm and normalcy that took over the room.  Joking, talking, relaxing.    Time drew near and it was time to take mom off for surgery prep.  Watching his momma being rolled out of the room was hard for big brother Dawson, but his toddler attention-span was quickly diverted with the help of dad and grandma.

After Paxton’s dad and I entered the operating room it was no less that 5 minutes later that the doctors began pulling him out of his mom’s belly.  He let out the relieving initial cries and after being wiped off by the pediatric nurse went into a zen-like state as they poked and prodded him.   After the initial screenings he was brought to his mom and dad where he laid quietly upon his mother’s chest and they stitched her up.   Once back in the room big brother met little brother and everyone began to love on their sweet new baby.

Paxton’s day of birth was such a calm day, much like his sweet personality. Tack on an adorable little boy becoming a big brother and you have a truly wonderful day.   To view the video slideshow of his birth, visit here:

Hi there!

Victoria Kegg of Blue Daisy Art is a fresh and modern portrait photographer.  She specializes in birth, maternity, & infant photography, but also captures families and children.  Blue Daisy Art is based in Springfield, IL.


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